Navsrijan does not have a separate premises of its own. It is hosted by Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Campus. The school has lent its infrastructure to Navsrijan. Initially, Navsrijan shared space with the Jaipuria mainstream school and the classes were conducted after regular school hours. In 2018, Navsrijan was provided with 5 classrooms of Jaipuria School, for exclusive use by its students on the same campus. In a spirit of inclusiveness, it continues using the Games Fields, Computer Labs, Mindspark Labs, Research Labs, Library, Science Labs, Dance, Yoga and Music rooms of Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. In 2022, Navsrijan was provided with 4 more brand- new, technology-enabled classrooms. The 5 older classrooms have been refurbished and are now technology-enabled.