Children do Mathematics and English Language MINDSPARK with their unique user ID. MINDSPARK is a computer-based personalized self-learning programme that allows children to effectively advance at their own pace. It helps our students to master the English language and improve their Mathematical and logical skills. Mindspark effectively builds higher-order thinking skills in students. Considered top of the niche teaching-learning intervention in the field of Mathematics and English, Navsrijan is thankful to the Jaipuria School for granting access to our students. Click here to know more (www.mindspark.in )
Nimble Q Classes
Children learn block coding, financial literacy and entrepreneurship in Nimble Q classes. Children in Grade 8 have learned to develop various apps through these classes. They floated their companies after identifying the needs of their locality. Navsrijan students have been trained by NimbleQ to develop 21st-century skills and an entrepreneurial mindset among students.
Research Lab
Middle and senior school students do self-research on various topics in the RESEARCH LAB.
Computer Graphics
The school has evolved to meet the changing needs of education. As technology becomes more embedded in our daily lives we have introduced Computer Graphics for our class 6th, 7th and 8th students. The children are doing interesting design work in CorelDRAW and Canva. They are learning video editing, creativity, Bitmaps & vector effects, slideshow presentation, scripts, macros and game designing on Scratch. Corel Draw and Canva sessions are flourishing among them the skill of creativity and innovativeness. We started all this for their better career options and to make them stand confidently in the near future.